Friday, March 25, 2011

How will BK 3 look like in the future?

It is hard for anyone of us to picture in our mind what a LRT station will look like in our area, with the trees gone replaced by LRT tracks and station.

With my visit to existing stations and the plans of new station that I manage to obtain. I pretty much have an idea how the whole thing will look like.

From SPNB's website, we can see the artist's illustration of the station. It is a very modern tube-like station. The station is 94 metres long and 27 metres wide.

New Ampang line LRT station

The illustration is just a standard station. Each station in fact will be slightly different because of  height, support system, and so on.

We have also obtained a copy of the construction drawing for station no. 5.

From the side view, it is really surprising when I see that the distance between road level to station platform is around 19 metres, and another 11 metres to the roof top, for the total height of 30 metres.

What do all these numbers mean? Well, for those who are not that familiar with numbers, one storey of a highrise building is around 3 metres (10 feet). In other words, station no. 5 from road level to roof top is a whopping 10 STOREY HIGH!

Side view of station no. 5 in BK 3

Take a look at another view cutting across the station below. This is the view looking towards Bandar Sunway.

We can really see clearly how half of the station sits on top of our green lung area, and the other half on Bukit Jalil highway. It also has a walkway for passengers to cross the highway to the industrial area on the other side.

Now, notice how close our residents' houses are to the station? It is just across a narrow road. Also take a good look at the size comparison, the station is GIGANTIC compared to the single storey house.

Section view of station no. 5 in BK 3

Take a minute or two to process all these information in your mind.

Seriously, would anyone want a 10 storey high structure in front of their houses?

If I further marked the station and tracks on the photos I have taken earlier, we can really feel the presence of the station. It is not pretty.

Station no. 5 right opposite residential houses

Location of station no. 5 in BK 3 in green lung area
Unless something is done, this is what we will be facing in 2012. No more green trees, but concrete jungles instead.

1 comment:

  1. I indeed WELCOME LRT for the public benefit and impress a very high tech of station No 5. Based from the sketch of the station, why not in the middle of both side road but why near the green land of resident? Do you think this planner is a wise man or concerning the near by resident?
    Anyhow, what is the minimum distance and safety requirement from the resident or houses? Beside, why need for many station in BK1, BK2 and BK3 in the same taman?

    Forward for early resurvey and consideration.

    *** Care the near one first before you take care the world ***

    Thank you and Regards
    Rizta/BK3/1D Resident
