Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Calling all basketball players

We would like to invite all basketball players (especially children) to come to BK3 basketball court for a fun filled morning this coming Saturday.

On hand will be KL Dragons coach Arieal Vanguardia, players Loh Shee Fai and Ooi Ban Sin to offer some basketball tips on how to improve your game.

Date: 30th November 2013, Saturday
Time: 8:45am
Venue: BK 3 basketball court

Great news for basketball players

In addition, we would also like to invite all basketball players to help and paint the foul area and tip off circle of the basketball court.

Location map

The paint and brushes will be provided. All you need to do is show up and support the effort.

We hope this "gotong-royong" event creates awareness amongst our residents to appreciate the great facilities that we have in BK3.

Together we can definitely help to make BK3 better.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

KIDEX highway

As reported back in August 2011 in this blog, Kinrara centre of it all, one of the highways highlighted, KIDEX highway, linking Kinrara with Damansara is gaining a lot of attention in the news recently.

According to The Edge (Oct, 24th 2013), the highway will be 13.5km long starting from NKVE in damansara, passing by several housing areas before reaching BK1 and BK2, joining to Bukit Jalil Highway, and ends in BK 6.

Proposed KIDEX highway

(KIDEX news Facebook page)

The map below shows roughly how the highway will cut through Bandar Kinrara at BK1 and BK2, joins to Bukit Jalil Highway and finally ends just slightly pass Giant supermarket.

The probable route of KIDEX highway at Bandar Kinrarra

There is also rumor that the lands belonging to more than three thousand house owners will be affected by the construction of this highway, including those in Kinrara area.

Possible acquisition of land affected by KIDEX highway

Partial list of houses that may be affected

The full document showing all the plots that may be affected can be viewed here (114 pages).

It is probably too early to guess what will happen to these plots. However, if things were done like it was in the past, by the time the land owners found out the project is approved, they may have already lost their homes.

Don't forget that there is also a SKIP highway (Serdang-Kinrara-Putrajaya) in the pipeline that will probably be the extension of  KIDEX highway at BK6 going towards Serdang and Putrajaya.

There is no telling what will happen in the future if all these projects are materialized.

Bandar Kinrara may get better access to other areas with all the new highways.

On the other hand, Bukit Jalil Highway may become the biggest parking lot, with stand still traffic at all times, due to all the traffic converging at the same point.

Biggest parking lot in Malaysia?

Updated 31st, March 2014

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Upgrading of BK3 basketball court

Besides improving the securtiy in BK3, Suria BK3 committee is also working hard to help improve the public amenities in our area for our residents.

Although BK3 has some great recreational facilities for children such as a playground, football field, a futsal court, and a basketball court, construction of these facilities was not always good.

The basketball court especially was probably done by a contractor with very little or no knowledge of basketball at all.

As a result, we have a basketball court that has crack backboards and flimsy rims after a few years.

Old cracked back board and loose rim at BK3

Basketball being the number two most popular sports (behind soccer) in the world, it is a favorite sport for kids at BK3 as well. It is a shame that we couldn't provide good facilities for them to enjoy the game better.

After years of request by Suria BK3 committee to MPSJ (the request was put in to MPSJ even before the RA committee was formed), they finally approved some fund to upgrade the backboards for us a few months ago.

In fact they went one step further, they will even install a couple of spectator stands for us.

To ensure the backboards were installed properly with quality material this time, Suria BK3 committee was involved in advising, and help to get the right people with basketball knowledge to install the new backboards for MPSJ.

The contractors finally showed up last week and finished the work in a couple of days.

So now we have high quality tampered glass backboards with solid rims for our courts.

We can proudly say BK3 probably has one of the best basketball courts around our area now.

New backboard and rim

New backboard and rim

The contractor also installed two spectator stands right next to the court at the same time.

Spectator stand

We really want to thank MPSJ for putting their fund to good use. Hopefully they continue to do good work in our area to improve the quality of our life.

Now our kids have one more good sports facility to use for the sport they love. Who knows? We may be able to produce a few Jeremy Lin of our own in the future :)
Future basketball star from BK3?