Thursday, December 5, 2013

A fun day at the basketball court

With all the frequent pouring rain that we are getting recently, there was a worry that our "gotong royong" to paint the basketball court,  and the basketball coaching clinic event, might have to take a rain check.

Surprisingly, the sun was up and shinning last Saturday morning. It turned out to be a perfect glorious morning for the event.

As promised, KL Dragons coach Ariel Vanguardia, players Loh Shee Fai and Ooi Ban sin were right on time at the court to kick off the event.

Those kids present were getting some valuable basketball tips from professionals on how to improve their games. It was a day they would remember for a long time.

A very hands-on KL Dragons coach Ariel Vanguardia
Kids doing basketball drills
KL Dragons player Ooi Ban Sin guiding the kids
KL Dragons player Loh Shee Fai demonstrating the proper shooting technique

YB Gobind Singh also showed up briefly to provide his support. Even he was feeling the basketball fever the minute he arrived, trying his hand shooting a few free throws at the court with the players.

YB Gobind Singh attempting a free throw
MPSJ JKP zone 18 chairman Michael Jalleh chatting with YB Gobind Singh

Finally it was time for everyone to get their hands dirty to paint the floor. Once started, more paint rollers and brushes had to be purchased as  there were more volunteers than anticipated. Without a doubt everyone was eager to help out on the whole "gotong royong" thing.

MPSJ JKP zone 18 committee members get the balls rolling

KL Dragons player Loh Shee Fai getting into some paint action

KL Dragons player Ooi Ban Sin also giving a helping hand

Residents of all ages really chipped in, making sure the court looks great at the end of the day.

BK3 resident painting the edges

Children helping out

BK 3 resident Edward caught himself stranded surrounded by painted floor

BK3 resident Lily and Margaret helping with the masking tape

BK3 resident Loh with his masterly paint strokes

When all is done BK3 has one of the best basketball courts around that they can be proud of. The basketball players at our area can finally have a very good basketball court to horn their skills.

Brand new basketball court
Kudos to all those contributed their effort

At the end of the day, MPSJ JKP Zone 18 committee members, KL Dragons coach and players, Suria BK3 RA, and more importantly, all the residents who were present readily put in a hard day's work to make BK3 a better place.

It feels that much more special with the combined efforts from all parties involved to make our community better. 

(All photos taken by Hilson Yeap)

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